3B Data Security Services

Cyber Advisor

3B Data Security Services

Cyber Advisor

Developed by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) , the Cyber Advisor Scheme is a cost-effective initiative aimed at helping small and medium sized organisations ensure they have baseline cyber security controls in place, helping protect them from the most common cyber threats.

The scheme will help organisations identify the skills and advice they need and can also help prepare those looking to achieve Cyber Essentials Certification.

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Cyber Advisor Services In Detail

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Get in touch today to find out more about our consultancy services, and how the team at 3B Data Security can help keep your organisation cyber secure.

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Our Experience

3B Data Security are assured by the NCSC and is one of only a select few Assured Service Providers for the Cyber Advisor Scheme.

All Cyber Advisors have passed an independent assessment which measured their:
- Knowledge and understanding of the Cyber Essentials’ technical controls.
- Competence in providing practical, hands-on support
- Ability to understand and work with small and medium sized organisations

3B Data Security meet the NCSC’s standards and have been accepted as an Assured Service Provider

Get in touch with us today to find out more about the Cyber Advisor Scheme, and how our team of experts can help your organisation improve their cyber security.

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