3B Data Secuirty Services

Cyber Essentials
Basic & Plus Certification

3B Data Security Services

Cyber Essentials Certification

Cyber Essentials is a Government backed scheme that aims to help protect organisations of all sizes from the most common types of cyber attacks.

Many organisations, especially smaller and newly established organisations, have limited controls developed or implemented to secure and protect their information systems and data. Using Cyber Essentials as the first step on a journey towards better information security is a great starting point and provides a foundation to progress towards other standards such as ISO 27001.

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Cyber Essentials Certification

Cyber Essentials Certification

You Are In Experienced Hands

Get Expert Cyber Essentials Support

Get in touch today to find out more about Cyber Essentials Certification, and how the team at 3B Data Security can help your organisation.

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Our Experience

At 3B Data Security, we have a team of expert Cyber Essentials Assessors, who with their set of skills and experience, can work to get you certified in no time.

3B Data Security’s assessors are all experienced and qualified auditors who have specialisms in the Cyber Essentials standard and other schemes such as IASME Cyber Assured, ISO 27001, PCI DSS, GDPR. They are also accredited IASME Cyber Advisors.

Our security testing team are all qualified penetration testers who are experts in ensuring your systems and networks are as secure as possible. They’ll work to ensure you are secure, not just compliant.


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“Knowledgeable friendly staff, professional service and ease of use”

"You have limitless patience and give clear advice”

“Thanks for your support and guidance through the questionnaire process”

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