3B Data Secuirty Services

Cyber Incident Exercising

3B Data Security Services

Cyber Incident Response Exercising Overview

Cyber Incident Exercising is commonly used by organisations as a way to test their current incident response procedures, processes and policies.

The purpose of the exercises is to learn, practice and play out various Cyber Security Incident Response scenarios. This allows you to test your staff’s reaction to an incident and simply see what could happen within your organisation when a compromise, data loss, false positive, insider threat or any other relevant situation happens.

Following the exercise, the team at 3B Data Security would then make recommendations on improving your organisation’s preparedness and resilience when facing cyber incidents. Where necessary, we can also provide assistance with response planning and playbook creation or revision.

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Cyber Attack Response Solutions

Cyber Incident Response Exercising

You Are In Experienced Hands

Get Expert Cyber Incident Response Exercising Support

Get in touch today to find out more about our Cyber Incident Response Exercising Services, and how they can help improve your organisation's current cyber incident preparedness.

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Our Experience

With a core background in digital forensic and incident response investigations, 3B Data Security have dealt with hundreds of cases across all different types of industries.

Our team of experts have been involved in incident response in excess of 20 years. During this time, they have responded to and resolved emergency cyber incidents in all types of organisations from sole proprietorships to international blue chip organisations.

We use this knowledge and experience to proactively guide our clients and replay the scenarios, lessons learned and organisation reactions to help evolve and develop the cyber security and incident response maturity.

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To view all our related Digital Forensic Incident Response Services click below. Or why not speak to a member of our team by giving us a call today.